Nunarput utoqqarsuanngoravit

Nunarput utoqqarsuanngoravit
English: You Our Ancient Land!

National anthem of

Lyrics Henrik Lund
Music Jonathan Petersen
Adopted 1916

"Nunarput utoqqarsuanngoravit" (You Our Ancient Land; Danish: Vort ældgamle land under isblinkens bavn) is the national anthem of Greenland, an autonomous province of Denmark. With lyrics by Henrik Lund and music composed by Jonathan Petersen, the anthem was officially adopted in 1916. Since 1979, "Nuna asiilasooq" (The Land of Great Length), an anthem used by the self-governing Kalaallit people, has also been officially recognised by the government.


Greenlandic/Kalaallisut lyrics

Nunarput, utoqqarsuanngoravit niaqqut ulissimavoq qiinik.
Qitornatit kissumiaannarpatit tunillugit sineriavit piinik.
Akullequtaasut merlertutut ilinni perortugut tamaani
kalaallinik imminik taajumavugut niaqquit ataqqinartup saani.
Atortillugillu tamaasa pisit ingerlaniarusuleqaagut
nutarterlugillu noqitsigisatit siumut, siumut piumaqaagut.
Inersimalersut ingerlanerat tungaalitsiterusuleqaarput,
oqaatsit "aviisit" qanoq kingunerat atussasoq erinigileqaarput.
Taqilluni naami atunngiveqaaq, kalaallit siumut makigitsi.
Inuttut inuuneq pigiuminaqaaq, saperasi isumaqaleritsi.

Danish translation

Vort ældgamle land under isblinkens bavn
med lysende snehår om dit hoved!
Du trofaste moder, som bar os i din favn,
mens dine kysters rigdom du os loved.
Som halvvoksne børn er vi groet af din jord
og trygt vokset op blandt dine fjelde,
vi kalder os kalaallit i landet, hvor vi bor
ærbødigt for dit hvide åsyns ælde.
Og alt mens vi bruger dit bugnende flor,
vi længes mod verdens nye former,
vi fjerner hver hindring, som hæmmer dig, vor mor,
og frejdigt frem mod fjerne mål vi stormer.
De fremskredne folk et eksempel os gav,
og det vil vi også stræbe efter,
mens bølgernes verden er vores vandringsstav,
som bær os frem og giver nye kræfter.
Umuligt nu længer at blive i ro,
kalaallit, mod større mål vi stævner.
Som fribårne folk vi i landet vil bo;
begynd at tro på jeres egne evner.

English translation

Our country, which has become so old your head is all covered with white hair.
Always held us, your children, in your bosom and gave us the riches of your coasts.
As middle children in the family we blossomed here Kalaallit,
we want to call ourselves before your proud and honourable head.
With a burning desire to develop what you have to give, renewing,
removing your obstacles of our desire to move forward, forward.
The way of matured societies is our zealous goal to attain;
the effect of speech and letters we long to behold.
Humbleness is not the course, Kalaallit wake up and be proud!
A dignified life is our goal; courageously take a stand.

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